Curriculum vitae
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Assistant professor & Head of Jagoda Lab at Centre for Advanced Technologies of AMU | 1.08.2024 – present |
Assistant professor at NanoBioMedical Centre of AMU | 1.10.2021 – 31.07.2024 |
Leader of Biomaterials & Biofabrication group at NanoBioMedical Centre AMU | 1.10.2023 – 31.07.2024 |
Marie Curie Research Fellow at The Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research (IDIBELL), L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain | 1.09.2022 – 1.03.2024 |
Research Associate/Senior Specialists at NanoBioMedical Centre of AMU | 1.7.2020 – 30.09.2021 |
PhD degree in Biological Sciences Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan/NanoBioMedical Centre AMU Specialization: Biology Dissertation title: The influence of (nano)materials topography on the behaviour of human neural cells. | 1.10.2015 – 26.6.2020 |
Postgraduate studies NanoBioMedical Centre, AMU Advanced materials and nanotechnology in practice | 1.10.2014 – 31.5.2015 |
MSc in Biotechnology Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU), Faculty of Biology Specialization: Biotechnology Master thesis: Research on biological activity of extracts from Chelidonium majus | 1.10.2013 – 16.7.2015 |
BS in Experimental biology Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Bachelor thesis: Structure and oncogenic properties of human Papilomavirus | 1.10.2010 – 17.7.2013 |
- USA; Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan (5.2022)
- Spain; The Program for advancing the Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine
of Catalonia, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) (8.2022) - UK; University College London (UCL) (1-2.2023)
- Spain; University of Valladolid; Bioforge (1.2023, 2.2024)
- Spain; Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), Stem Cell Potency Group (1.09.2022-1.03.2024)
- First Team FENG funded by the Foundation of Polish Science on realization of “Development of a Two-Component Hybrid Bioink for 3D Bioprinting of Vascularized Constructs”. Grant in the collaboration with University of Valladolid, Abo Akademi Turku, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, University of Colorado Boulder and polish company. Role in the project: Principal Investigator. 2025-2029 (FENG.02.02-IP.05-0045/23) (805 000 €)
- National Science Centre (NCN), Sonata 18: „Development and characterization of a novel bioink for fabrication of 3D printed bioartificial pulsatile prosthesis for applications in tissue engineering – PulsBioInk”. Grant in the collaboration with University of Michigan. Role in the project: Principal Investigator. 2024-2027 (2022/47/D/ST5/03467) (500 000 €)
- Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-ST-IF) funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 at Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) in Barcelona for the: Polymeric cell-laden vascular graft for blood vessel mimicking in tissue engineering applications (STEMCEDIF, 101025242). Role in the project: Principal Investigator, Fellow. 1.09.2022-1.03.2024 (129 700 €)
- National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) – „Multifunctional groove‐patterned tubes for increased regeneration of peripheral nervous system after injurers”, (akronim GrooveNeuroTube) (nr NOR/SGS/GrooveNeuroTube/0321/2020). Role in the project: Conceptualisation, Principal Investigator. Small Grant Scheme (SGS) is part of the Applied Research Programme under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. Its aim is to support Polish female scientists in those fields of science, where the participation of women is the lowest, in particular in applied technical sciences. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. 1.10.2021-31.09.2023 (188 670 €)
- Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: 2021-2022 – „iPSCs differentiation toward neural progenitor cells by blocking TGF-β/BMP-dependent SMAD signaling, to study spontaneous differentiation behavior on porous 3D printed bioactive tubular scaffolds for neural tissue engineering. „ID-UB” programme 038: „50×50: 50 grants for 50 young researchers” – Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: 2021-2022; Role in the project: Principal Investigator (5 600 €)
- NCN Preludium 12 – „Design and fabrication of matrices based on polymers and carbon nanostructures with specified topography for neural stem cells growth and differentiation” (2016/23/N/ST5/00955). Role in the project: Principal Investigator, 2017-2021 (35 000 €).
- Micro/nano-patterns for enhancing differentiation of human neural stem cells and fabrication of nerve conduits via soft lithography and 3D printing; J. Litowczenko*, JK. Wychowaniec, K. Załęski, Ł. Marczak, CJC. Edwards-Gayle, K. Tadyszak, BM Maciejewska; Biomaterials Advances Volume 154, November 2023, Formerly known as Materials Science and Engineering: C, with a 2022 (IF 8.457)
- SARS-CoV-2 Virus-like Particles with Plasmonic Au Cores and S1-Spike Protein Coronas; W. Andrzejewska; B. Peplińska; J. Litowczenko; P. Obstarczyk; J. Olesiak-Bańska; S. Jurga; M. Lewandowski; ACS Synthetic Biology; 2023 (5.2 IF)
- Milestones and current achievements in development of multifunctional bioscaffolds for medical application; J. Litowczenko, MJ. Woźniak-Budych, K. Staszak, K. Wieszczycka, S. Jurga, B. Tylkowski Bioactive Materials, 2021(18.9 IF).
- Membrane-based processes in essential oils production; M. Olkiewicz, I. Cota, M. Wozniak-Budych,
J. Litowczenko, M. Luczak, J. M. Monotrnes, B. Tylkowski, Physical Sciences Reviews, 2022 - Surface functionalization–The way for advanced applications of smart materials; K. Wieszczycka,
K. Staszak, MJ. Woźniak-Budych, J. Litowczenko, BM. Maciejewska, S. Jurga, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021 (20.6 IF). - Nanomolar Nitric Oxide Concentrations in Living Cells Measured by Means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy; R. Markiewicz*, J. Litowczenko*, J. Gapiński, A. Woźniak, S. Jurga, A. Patkowski; Molecules, 2021 (4.412 IF)*corresponding authors
- Novel nanosystems to enhance biological activity of hydroxyapatite against dental caries; N Babayevska, M Woźniak-Budych, J Litowczenko, B Peplińska, M Jarek, P. Florczak, G. Bartkowiak, B. Czarnecka,S. Jurga, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021 (8.457 IF).
- Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity studies of poly-N-isopropyl acrylamide gel nanoparticles and films; J. Litowczenko, J. Gapiński, R. Markiewicz, A. Woźniak, J. Wychowaniec, B. Peplińska, S. Jurga, A Patkowski; Materials Science and Engineering: C Materials for Biological Applications, 2020 (8.457 IF).
- Unique cellular network formation guided by heterostructures based on reduced graphene oxide – Ti3C2Tx MXene hydrogels; JK. Wychowaniec*, J. Litowczenko*, K. Tadyszak, V. Natu, C. Aparicio, B. Peplińska, M. W. Barsoum, M. Otyepka, B. Scheibe*; Acta Biomaterialia, 2020 (9.7 IF)
- Groove-patterned surfaces induce morphological changes in cells of neuronal origin; J. Litowczenko, BM. Maciejewska, JK. Wychowaniec, M. Kościński, A. Goździcka-Józefiak, S. Jurga, A. Warowicka. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A., 2019 (4.9 IF)
- Fabricating versatile cell supports from nano- and micro-sized graphene oxide flakes; JK. Wychowaniec♦, J. Litowczenko♦, K. Tadyszak; Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2020 (4.042 IF) ♦These authors contributed equally to this work.
- Designing biocompatible spin-coated multiwall carbon nanotubes-polymer composite coatings; D. Maziukiewicz, BM. Maciejewska, J. Litowczenko, M. Kościński, A. Warowicka, JK. Wychowaniec, S. Jurga; Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020 (5.4 IF)
- Cytotoxicity of versatile nano-micro-particles based on hierarchical flower-like ZnO; N. Babayevska,
J. Litowczenko*, JK. Wychowaniec*, I. Iatsunskyi, M. Jarek, P. Florczak, S. Jurga; ; Advanced Powder Technology, 2020 (5.2 IF), *corresponding author - UV cross-linked polyvinylpyrrolidone electrospun fibres as antibacterial surfaces; BM. Maciejewska, JK. Wychowaniec, M. Woźniak-Budych, Ł. Popenda, A. Warowicka, K. Golba, J. Litowczenko, Z. Fojud, B. Wereszczyńska, S. Jurga; ; Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2019 (5.799 IF)
- Sucrose based cellular glassy carbon for biological applications; K. Tadyszak*, J. Litowczenko*, Ł. Majchrzycki, K. Załęski, B. Scheibe; Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020 (4.6 IF)
- Biomedical Applications of Graphene-Based Structures; K. Tadyszak, J. Wychowaniec, J. Litowczenko; Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(11), 944; (5.3 IF)
- Protoberberine compounds extracted from Chelidonium majus L. as novel natural photosensitizers for cancer therapy; A. Warowicka, Ł. Popenda, G. Bartkowiak, O. Musidlak, J. Litowczenko, D. Kuźma, R. Nawrot, S. Jurga, A. Goździcka-Józefiak; Phytomedicine, 2019 (7.9 IF)
- MWCNT based matrices as a platform for adhesion and growth of cells; A. Warowicka♦, BM. Maciejewska♦, J. Litowczenko, M. Koscinski, A. Baranowka-Korczyc, M. Jasiurkowska-Delaporte, KK. Koziol, S. Jurga; Composites Science and Technology, 2016; (9.1 IF)
- Development of Tissue-Engineered Cell-Laden Vascular Grafts with Micro/Nano Topographical Cues from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derivatives; J. Litowczenko, Y. Richter, M. Michalska, K. Tadevosyan, JC Rodriguez-Cabello, I. Papakonstantinou, A. Raya; 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal, (DOI: 10.1111/eci.14220, 5.722 IF)
- Novel 3D Bioprinting-Casting-Perfusion Approach for Hierarchical Reconstruction of Three-Layered Blood Vessels; Y. Richter, M. Michalska, K. Tadevosyan, J.C. Rodriguez-Cabello, I. Papakonstantinou, A. Raya, J. Litowczenko*; 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal, (DOI: 10.1111/eci.14220, 5.722 IF)
- Development of Tissue-Engineered Cell-Laden Vascular Grafts with Micro/Nano Topographical Cues from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derivatives; J. Litowczenko, Y. Richter, M. Michalska,
K. Tadevosyan, JC Rodriguez-Cabello, I. Papakonstantinou, A. Raya; 58th Annual Scientific Meeting
of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, 5-7.06.2024, Barcelona, Spain, - Tuning responsivity of neural maturation via topographical and biochemical cues, J. Litowczenko,
JK. Wychowaniec, K. Załęski, Ł. Marczak, K. Tadyszak, K. Fiedorowicz, Charlotte Jennifer, Chante Edwards-Gayle, Barbara Małgorzata Maciejewska; 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, Davos, Switzerland; 4-9.09.2023 - Cell-laden biomimetic tissue-engineered vascular grafts with Human Induced Pluripotent Stem
Cells-derivatives; J. Litowczenko, Y. Richter, K. Tadevosyan, Martyna Michalska, I. Lazisa, JC Rodriguez-Cabello, I. Papakonstantinou, A. Raya; RegenBell symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, 27-28.10.2023 at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans; Barcelona, Spain - Spatial topological confinement dictates the effective growth and differentiation of neural stem cells
J. Litowczenko, B. M. Maciejewska, J. K. Wychowaniec; 31st Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), 5-9.09.2021, Porto, Portugal - Patterned guiding cues for differentiation of neuronal cells; J. Litowczenko, B. M. Maciejewska, JK. Wychowaniec, M. Kościńśki, A. Goździcka-Józefiak, S. Jurga; Functional Surfaces: How Surfaces Control Our World; SCI The Society of Chemical Industry 12.06.2019; London, United Kingdom
- The influence of (nano)materials topography on the behavior and differentiation of human neural cells; J. Litowczenko, BM. Maciejewska, A. Warowicka, J.K. Wychowaniec, M. Kościński, S. Jurga; NanoTech Poland 2019 & Nanotechnology and Innivation in the Baltic Sea Region, 5-8.06.2019, Poznań, Poland
- Invited speaker: Patterned matrices for direct growth of neuronal cells – 5th Kiel Days in Poznań;
J. Litowczenko; Joint Symposium on Nanomaterials and Their Application in Materials Science and Biomedicine, 8.11.2018, Poznań, Poland. - Nanopatterned matrices for direct growth of neural cells; J. Litowczenko, A. Warowicka, B. M. Maciejewska, J. Wychowaniec, M. Kościński, K. Załęski, I. Iatsunskyi, A. Goździcka-Józefiak, S. Jurga; NanoTech 2018 Poland International Conference & Exhibition, 6-9.06.2018, Poznań, Poland.
- Nomination for Polish Young Academy (Polish Academy of Sciences) by Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University – 2024 at material engineering discipline
- START Prize 2022 of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) for the 100 best young researchers in Poland
- Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-ST-IF) at Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) in Barcelona for the research (STEMCEDIF). The project was graded a score of 98.80 out of 100 points
- Award the Initiative of Excellence 2020: Research University Award for young scientists from AMU for supporting AMU staff publishing in prestigious scientific journals.
- Winning FIRM Travel Bursary to attend an oral presentation during the 5th anniversary of Future Investigators of Regenerative Medicine (FIRM 2018); Spain, 24-27.09.2017
- Best Oral Presentation Price – Cytotoxic activity of low molecular weight compounds and latex insulated proteins from Chelidonium majus and their photosensitizing potential; J. Litowczenko; IV Nationwide Conference of Young Scientists „Science for the Environment”, University of Life Sciences, 23-25.04.2015, Poznań, Poland
- Winning the 2nd place in the competition for the best idea related to biotechnology and early-stage commercialization, in the project „My company from scratch” Poznan Science and Technology Park of Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation (01.08.2015, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)